Thank You

June 21, 2021

This month of June marks the 11th year anniversary of Mother Nature – A Satire on Gender Inequality. What started out as a webcomic to showcase gender inequality in a satirical way, quickly became a resource for articles about the many types of problems females go through. And I forgot all about the drawing part.

The idea in the beginning was to have one webcomic, or illustration, accompany every article. And it started that way. Female Genital Mutilation, Bride Burning, and Domestic Violence all got their comics. Doing the storyboards for every new article proved cumbersome and I was producing more articles than I was drawing. So I started just drawing pictures and seemingly leaving the comic concept altogether. Then I returned to drawing I think in 2012 or 2013 but never published it. I seriously hope I do.

I keep abreast of stats every other day or at least once a week. I check the daily stats and see how what is performing. Every now and then I check out deeper insights. Like monthly stats, how many hits over the year. And I compare my years to each other but just as a mental note.

I never realized my blog was so visited. I knew I had hits from the usual countries but never really paid attention to how much from around the world I get. I’m humbled.

First time I started, I was hesitant talking about gender inequality as a man. It still takes a lot of research to speak confidently. And I’ve had my fair share of chicks fighting me online for what I say, like it hurts their ego or so. It’s all just flak, comes with the territory. If this problem didn’t exist, I wouldn’t write about it. They say men are notoriously bad at describing their feelings. Take that with a pinch of salt, I’m trying my best.

Anyway, to every visitor who’s contributed to the map below, thanks a lot. It’s gratifying to know these words go around the world. I write as I get inspired so no schedule exists for the future, but there is for sure more where that came from.

And that publication will come out! 🙂

Stay safe.

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Sex by Water

May 30, 2021

Maybe we need to write about it more. Maybe it doesn’t get (nearly) enough public attention. Maybe because it’s endemic to impoverished countries, people don’t really care. Whatever the case may be, as always, (young) women suffer in silence.

One of the things that really upsets me is that (many) issues of gender inequality are known in ‘the industry’ but not elsewhere, meaning that the people who talk about it and fight against it know about it, but that’s it. If you’d talk to a (random) guy about it, he’d think it’s a women’s issue. I’ve written here years ago that there are even ignorant women about this, simply because they have it so good. You can’t really blame anyone, it’s more profitable to cover scandals and sensationalism in the media than it is to talk about what actually affects the many.

Anyway, so this article is about young women having to exchange sexual favours to get (somewhat) potable water. What those favours may be, you can let your imagination wander and be sure whatever you think of probably gets done in real life. To give you an idea first, if you never lived or grew up in Black Africa, public water supply doesn’t exist in many African countries. I come from Lagos, Nigeria, and in my life living there, from kid to adult, I have never once experienced public water supply. Ironically, though, some people still get bills for a service they never enjoyed. With 200 million people in Nigeria, for example, every household is de facto its own government, in that you have to build a well in your compound if you want to provide water to your house. And if you’re not middle class or rich, and live in slum-like settings, then you have to buy gallons and large buckets to store water in, that you fetch from pumps you can walk to that are somewhat in the area.

And that’s where the story lies. This article isn’t about Nigeria alone, but many African countries that like Nigeria, til this day let the masses suffer and live in squalor.

I wrote about female poverty and fetching water from miles away several years but I was focusing on female poverty. It’s part of a book I planned to write but never did, I only drew the pictures. Oh well. Anyway, fetching water, in countries where public water is (virtually) inexistent, is largely a female thing. It’s so cumbersome, physically-tiring and time-consuming that most girls who engage in it, drop out of school altogether because they can’t do both at once. So they often stay at home, fetch water all day and help their moms with cooking, cleaning and household chores.


It’s not uncommon for girls to walk in the blazing heat of at least 30 degrees Celsius for at least an hour to either a ‘water depot’ or a murky dirty river with brownish water. If they get to a water pump, a place where there’s a well or a tap they get water from, they usually queue for ages with their numerous large gallons to carry back home, on their head. And if they live in a rural environment and have to go to the nearest pond several miles away in the middle of some bush, they contend with snakes and other dangerous animals on the way. If anything happens to them and they get injured in some way, they are miles away from any clinic or hospital and even if they could get there for help, their families wouldn’t have any money to pay for treatment.

They do this all day every day. The way a normal household uses water for sanitation, personal hygiene and cooking, is the way super-poor people have do the same without any public water supply, or water from a tap in their homes, or large water tank that stores all their water for a week or two. That doesn’t exist. We’re not talking of the middle class here.

This was before the pandemic. Life was this great before there was a curfew worldwide. Since the lockdown, in places like Kenya, the poor have to deal with even more misery like suffering even more to get what we all need and can’t live without: water.

Oh, and I forgot to say; aside from going through hell just to fetch water, a lot of girls get sexually assaulted from the male water vendors in the process. You know, the guys in the slums or villages who control the water pumps, tanks and wells and make money from it – because they’re such good people. These criminals know these girls are super-poor so they extort sexual favours from them or they do things like hike prices indiscriminately. They even have a word for that: sextortion. I suppose in an age where sexting is a word, I shouldn’t be too surprised. Anyway – there needs to be an article about (presumably) single men who think it’s OK to sexploit (another new word) young women as acceptable payment for essential services like getting water. Like… even if you do sleep with the girl… how do you get paid? How do you recoup the missing money? I’m just wondering, like is the sex that good that your money problems go away? The irony is most communities frown upon female prostitutes. Men call them low-lives (even though they widely patronize them), but what do you call these so called water hawkers who pimp themselves out just to get some action?

Men can hoe but they’re never seen as such.

So basically, the lockdown creates a squeeze on everyone and desperation rises through the roof. The already vulnerable become even more vulnerable and have no one to turn to. At least there’s God.

In the midst of the pandemic there has been an increase in sexual assaults on girls fetching water. It’s so traumatizing that many of the victims, wake up super early (like 4am) just to get out the house, in the pitch black and walk for ages to get water before all the hoodlums come out and start harassing again. Talk about fear. What a life. To live in fear. Don’t you just love society? Yay!

You can’t blame these girls. They’re looking out for themselves. A lot of them don’t even say anything when they’re molested because they fear if they do, they’ll get beat up in retaliation. Yeah, those are my favourite type of guys. The ones who can’t get any so they harass and sextort and if they don’t get what they want, they beat up the girls (and rape them afterwards anyway). Gotta love (some of) the male breed. Stand up guys.

What’s even more worrying, but very common in Africa, is if these male rapists and sex offenders do get reported and taken to authority, they simply bribe their way out and return to the community they got arrested in to weed out the girls who ‘ratted’ on them, and beat them up. So you’re damned if you do, and damned if you don’t. Get sexploited, refuse advances, get beat up. Get sexploited, let it happen, possibly get raped. Get sexploited, call the police, get hunted down and beaten up.

This is the brutal reality hundreds of thousands of girls have to deal with in Africa – EVERY SINGLE DAY!

Because even though we’re an incredibly riverine continent, public water supply is a pipe dream and an outright luxury for many. I’ve never known of public water supply until I came to Rwanda. And when I think about it, I still get shocked, like it’s not normal in Africa.

So what’s my point? My point is fetching water is overwhelmingly a female business except they don’t get paid for it. Instead they often have to pay for the goods, at a price no female ever should: with their bodies. And the only people who tend to know about some isolated reported cases are some activists and NGOs. It needs to be understood that what is known about sex crimes against women, that which is publicly reported, is often much less than what is actually being perpetrated – especially rape.

Now about sex crimes. It doesn’t hurt to rehash what we know. When females get sexually violated or raped, they’re traumatized. They’re inflicted a trauma that often lasts a lifetime. Women often feel ‘dirty’ after they get raped, they try to ‘wash’ off that feeling of filth and disgust, but that’s the trauma – and the psychological breakdown. All over the world, in industrialized countries included, the majority of raped women don’t report being raped. Mostly not ever, but sometimes they keep it in for decades before they open up. Again, to no fault of their own, something like rape breaks down and shuts down the person inside. Something you think you naturally have control and autonomy over – your own body – gets violated and sexually abused and that completely causes you a mental breakdown.

Because if you have no autonomy over your own body, what do you have control over?

Women who have been raped or sexually assaulted can (often) become aggressive. It’s a ‘natural’ defense mechanism to regain control of one’s self after an incident of sexual crime. Like, ‘They’ll never catch me off-guard again!’

You were never off-guard – you were raped.

And that’s what many girls and young women go through – because fetching water in Africa isn’t grueling enough. And (the) men, simply don’t care! ‘As long as I can get p*ssy, why should I bother? She probably liked it anyway.’

Arrogance and chauvinism – alive and well in this world.

Anyway, I got a lot of this info from IPS News Agency. They’re a dope resource about gender inequality. If we can’t have public water supply across impoverished countries, at least we can help create wells where poor communities need them most. Head over to and sign up to make regular donations so hopefully in our lifetime, we can stop seeing incidents of this nature happening to people whose lives are already pretty bad.

Every little helps.

Stay safe.

Related reading: Separated Unity

Legalized Kiddie Porn

May 1, 2021

I don’t know where to start. You could say this is a continuation of A Journey Into Child Porn but I didn’t even know it had a sequel… until recently.

In that article, I talked about how open child pornography is on the Internet. It’s not dark web stuff at all. What I didn’t realize is that it’s not just videos that are on search engines – it’s on social media, too!!!

Pinterest, the world’s most popular social bookmarking site is full of them. And the chronically disturbing thing about it is that it’s ‘curated’ by people who think it’s ‘exotic’ or ‘cultural’.

When I discovered this, I seriously didn’t want to write about it. I was like, ‘Eff that, I wrote A Journey already, I’m done!’

This evening when I was browsing through my Pinterest for the first time in a while, I realized the algorithm has now included those wonderfully sick pics in my feed as well. Because back then, I was opening the pics from the search engine, on my Pinterest app as was suggested. Now Pinterest thinks I’m a pedo. And according to them, it’s not even a big deal because it’s from people who post these grotesque pics as ‘exotic’, ‘tribal’, and ‘cultural’.

Nobody in their right thinking mind wants to see little 9 year old titties. There’s nothing sexy about pre-teens butt naked online. You cannot get aroused by a female kid who doesn’t know any better, being compelled to ‘smile’ into the camera by a goddamn kiddie-lover photographer. It doesn’t make it any better if the photographer is a woman either! There’s no ‘Oh, we’re female so it’s OK.’

If indigenous and tribal people want to live butt naked in the wilderness, that’s their prerogative, but it is not right to sexploit them in the name of ‘art’.

There’s nothing artistic about pedophilia.

I swear, all these people who post these pix should be called out and put on a sex offenders list regularly broadcasted on the world’s mainstream media for life!

But hey… I don’t rule the world.


Here are the links I uncovered. I warn you, you have never seen images so graphic before so don’t tell me I didn’t warn you. Stuff like this sticks with you. You can’t unsee it. It stays in your psyche.

Anyway – I typed ‘naked african tribe girls‘ in Google Images. From the collage alone, you see all the minors who are ‘posing’ for the camera. So, I list a few of the links where even a blind man can see the girls in the pics are bloody minors.

Anyway – here are some links:

It gets worse in the list so I don’t bother. Now, here are the social media links. I search on Google for ‘naked african tribe girls pinterest‘. What do I get? This:

  • girls (Girls! LITERALLY girls! How can the poster who’s called Wylie Human (that’s rich), think exposing child nudity is normal so we just call it girls. FFS!!! You can’t tell me the people who look at these pictures are interested in culture and travel! They’re f*cking pedo perverts who jack off to little kids and get away with it because it’s on PINTEREST!!!)
  • naked african little girls (At least here, the poster was honest about his child love: he admits they’re little girls!!!)
  • African Beauty (nude teenage girl pics mixed with naked women pics. All legal!)

I know it’s not easy but by all means, scroll down the infinite pics of every link and see how much child porn is not just on search engines. Sometimes exclusive, sometimes mixed with ‘normal’ porn. Oh, and once you view these pics on Pinterest, the Pinterest algorithm will also start showing more of these pics in your normal feed henceforth because it now thinks you’re into child porn. But it’s OK, it’s on Pinterest!! So it’s legal…

Now, you can expand your search on Google even more with the following:

The content exists, once again, on Pinterest aswell:

Saying 25% of Google searches are porn related is an understatement. Porn really is the foundation of the worldwide web and child porn is very much woven into that fabric. People just don’t know it yet.

Here’s a site that fights sexual abuse and violence against tribe girls in India. Donate if you can.

Tribe girl and women empowerment centre

Here are resources that address violence on tribe girls:

Stay safe.

After my last post, I didn’t know what else to write. I figured that would be it for the year. I found this infographic on my Facebook. It’s back from 2013 when the gangrapes in India were making headlines once again. Because their population is so huge, the number of victims of gender-based violence is so so shocking. Anytime I see content like this, it takes hours for me to get over it. It just affects me so much. That’s why I blog like once or twice a year. I’m done. Anyway, I’ve done my part. If you wanna help fight against gender violence against females all across the world, check out CARE, the guys who put this infographic together. Every little helps. It’s a new decade in the 21st century. Let’s continue making gender-based violence against females and gender inequality history.

Here is a great article from the World Economic Forum that talks about women being the catalyst in the eradication of poverty, mainly in Sub-Saharan Africa. It addresses the incredible progress they make, despite living in repressive & hostile environments. Have a read, it’s really awesome.

How Empowering Women Can Help End Poverty In Africa

Many of us have never seen what a famine looks like. Here’s as close as you’ll ever get to it. (Courtesy The Economist)

You may have seen the pictures of starving people in the Horn of Africa on your TV screens. We are all asking: how can this be happening again? Parts of Somalia, Kenya and Ethiopia are facing one of the worst droughts for 60 years, and more than 12 million people are desperately in need of food, clean water and basic sanitation.

Join me in calling on world leaders to save millions of lives – today and tomorrow: 

Despite the urgency of the situation, most world leaders are responding too slowly. Immediate aid is essential. Yet at the same time we must not let them drop the ball on long term solutions as has too often happened in the past.

Take action right now at:

Thank you

I’m still working on the next post about Incest. I hope it’ll cover all bases.

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