Just watched a movie called Another Body. It’s basically about a master’s degree college student who discovers deepfake porn videos of herself. In the process of uncovering the culprit, she finds 2 other women who had been victimized, one being her former classmate. What is deepfake? In layman’s terms, it’s Photoshop for videos. So the way you can completely alter images with Photoshop, you can completely manipulate and create new footage from existing videos by (for example) switching faces etc. So a loser could add a girl’s face to a porn video and make it look like the girl is actually having sex.

Which brings me to revenge porn. Usually, revenge porn is from guys who got pissed off at their ex for whatever petty reason that they publish their intimate moments on porn websites like Pornhub. As can be seen from the movie referenced above, though, a form of revenge porn can also be made just from mentally ill, socially-isolated losers who take their wrath of being ignored by their female interests, onto the Internet and ‘make them pay’ (ooh, so manly).

While the film was partly a difficult watch, it kind of bored me out a bit because I’ve covered so much porn already that I just lost interest – but I’ve been wanting to write about deepfake for some time. Mostly because I personally think it’s one hell of an invention that can wreak havoc in the wrong hands, as can be seen in the movie.

Is a gun bad or good? It’s neither, it’s simply a tool. In the hands of a deranged mass shooter, a gun is a living nightmare. When a soldier or police officer takes out such a shooter, thereby saving dozens of innocent bystanders, the gun is like sent from Heaven. Deepfake can have its amazing benefits. Like in the creative industry, for example. We could see historical biopics being made, like Hitler’s last moments in the bunker, etc. Remember when Forrest Gump met JFK? That was an early application of deepfake, though not as sophisticated as now.

Misusing deepfake technology, however, is an outright horror. Because it’s so convincing, it is almost impossible to tell if something is real or fake. And the implications are far-reaching. Criminals can blackmail people of interest in exchange for ransom etc. Jealous and scorned ex-lovers or side-chicks can make deepfakes of men just to ruin their marriages, etc. Innocent people’s lives can be destroyed just because some low-life out there thinks it’s justified to do so. Like, ‘She was a bitch! How dare she not greet me!’ Sound familiar? Yeah, losers with power are a dangerous mix.

Another nefarious use of deepfake is in quelling dissent. Nowadays, in the age of growing censorship of alternative, non-popular views on mainstream platforms, governments can create deepfakes of activists and targeted leaders to incriminate them in crimes and compromises they didn’t engage in. And the videos would be so real, so plausible, your average Joe would believe it if he saw it on the news. That’s how dangerous deepfake is. Its abuse is a true threat to a country’s democracy – not synchronized propaganda spewed out at the same time.

Like with AI potentially taking jobs, I only support the widespread use of deepfake if it is not only regulated by governments (in the interest of the people, ie government agencies not also misusing it for illegal censoring and blackmailing activities), but also only used in non-destructive, productive ways like movie-making etc (goes without saying).

I’m going to stop here, I’m kind of fed up with all these sex crimes and porn issues. Below are more links you can research on your own. Enjoy (meant sarcastically).

4Chan – In the movie Another Body, they referenced 4Chan and it’s an anonymous image-sharing site where people across the web can request illegal deepfakes of other people based off images they share of them. So if I were a loser I could deepfake a video from an ex, based on a bunch of pictures I have of her. The technology does the rest. Scary world we live in. Especially for women.

Mr Deepfakes – While there are numerous deepfake porn sites mentioned in the movie, I only checked out one, and frankly it was disturbing. Here you have a porn site that features ultra-realistic porn videos of celebrities (like I said, deepfake). I don’t have the stomach to go through it so happy puking.

Sex Crimes – Google search.

Revenge Porn – Google search.

And to end with the cherry on top, last night when I checked out 4Chan for the first time, I went to 2 sections: ‘Sexy Beautiful Women’ and ‘Adult Requests’. They’re both in the Adult section on the right. I was just going through the pics, I remember one category had loads of dick pics with female pics right next to them (sort of like to explain how the deepfake should be, presumably to depict a blowjob). One category, though, I can’t remember which one, had 2 pics of a black-haired teenage girl (16, 17 at the most). In the first, she was lying belly down, taking a selfie of herself topless in bed. The next picture was of her topless showing her breasts, looking into the camera. And you can clearly see she’s a minor. Now because this site is anonymous and people only use pseudonyms, you can see that even sites like 4Chan can be used in the publication and distribution of child pornography. I tried looking for that same page a while ago, couldn’t find it. There’s too much new content added since then and I’m not about to go through all that smut.

See for yourself and be the judge. Gone are the days of crime only being perceived as some dark alley stuff. Or online, only if you’re on the dark web. Crime is widespread throughout the Internet and society and publically accessible through Google. It’s hiding in plain sight and is often right in front of your face. Like they say, the best place to hide a body is on the second page of Google.

Nuff said.

Anyway, I’m out. Watch Another Body, it’s a good movie and teaches you a lot about the deepfake and sex crime industry – and how the perpetrator can really be someone you know!

Assume what you post stays online forever!

Legalized Kiddie Porn

May 1, 2021

I don’t know where to start. You could say this is a continuation of A Journey Into Child Porn but I didn’t even know it had a sequel… until recently.

In that article, I talked about how open child pornography is on the Internet. It’s not dark web stuff at all. What I didn’t realize is that it’s not just videos that are on search engines – it’s on social media, too!!!

Pinterest, the world’s most popular social bookmarking site is full of them. And the chronically disturbing thing about it is that it’s ‘curated’ by people who think it’s ‘exotic’ or ‘cultural’.

When I discovered this, I seriously didn’t want to write about it. I was like, ‘Eff that, I wrote A Journey already, I’m done!’

This evening when I was browsing through my Pinterest for the first time in a while, I realized the algorithm has now included those wonderfully sick pics in my feed as well. Because back then, I was opening the pics from the search engine, on my Pinterest app as was suggested. Now Pinterest thinks I’m a pedo. And according to them, it’s not even a big deal because it’s from people who post these grotesque pics as ‘exotic’, ‘tribal’, and ‘cultural’.

Nobody in their right thinking mind wants to see little 9 year old titties. There’s nothing sexy about pre-teens butt naked online. You cannot get aroused by a female kid who doesn’t know any better, being compelled to ‘smile’ into the camera by a goddamn kiddie-lover photographer. It doesn’t make it any better if the photographer is a woman either! There’s no ‘Oh, we’re female so it’s OK.’

If indigenous and tribal people want to live butt naked in the wilderness, that’s their prerogative, but it is not right to sexploit them in the name of ‘art’.

There’s nothing artistic about pedophilia.

I swear, all these people who post these pix should be called out and put on a sex offenders list regularly broadcasted on the world’s mainstream media for life!

But hey… I don’t rule the world.


Here are the links I uncovered. I warn you, you have never seen images so graphic before so don’t tell me I didn’t warn you. Stuff like this sticks with you. You can’t unsee it. It stays in your psyche.

Anyway – I typed ‘naked african tribe girls‘ in Google Images. From the collage alone, you see all the minors who are ‘posing’ for the camera. So, I list a few of the links where even a blind man can see the girls in the pics are bloody minors.

Anyway – here are some links:

It gets worse in the list so I don’t bother. Now, here are the social media links. I search on Google for ‘naked african tribe girls pinterest‘. What do I get? This:

  • girls (Girls! LITERALLY girls! How can the poster who’s called Wylie Human (that’s rich), think exposing child nudity is normal so we just call it girls. FFS!!! You can’t tell me the people who look at these pictures are interested in culture and travel! They’re f*cking pedo perverts who jack off to little kids and get away with it because it’s on PINTEREST!!!)
  • naked african little girls (At least here, the poster was honest about his child love: he admits they’re little girls!!!)
  • African Beauty (nude teenage girl pics mixed with naked women pics. All legal!)

I know it’s not easy but by all means, scroll down the infinite pics of every link and see how much child porn is not just on search engines. Sometimes exclusive, sometimes mixed with ‘normal’ porn. Oh, and once you view these pics on Pinterest, the Pinterest algorithm will also start showing more of these pics in your normal feed henceforth because it now thinks you’re into child porn. But it’s OK, it’s on Pinterest!! So it’s legal…

Now, you can expand your search on Google even more with the following:

The content exists, once again, on Pinterest aswell:

Saying 25% of Google searches are porn related is an understatement. Porn really is the foundation of the worldwide web and child porn is very much woven into that fabric. People just don’t know it yet.

Here’s a site that fights sexual abuse and violence against tribe girls in India. Donate if you can.

Tribe girl and women empowerment centre

Here are resources that address violence on tribe girls:

Stay safe.

Shake It, Kiddie!

March 6, 2021

They say sexualization of children only exists in the mind of the person sexualizing them. That’s bullsh*t. A girl in skimpy outfits making suggestive movements and poses doesn’t just get sexualized in the mind of the person who ‘sees’ it – she’s sexualized by her handlers and the entire industry.

Apparently the child beauty pageant industry is worth $5billion. It rests on the foundation of superficiality that Hollywood promotes and sustains. Therefore, it will never go away. Popular culture not only promotes shallow values, like upholding appearances over substance and character, but also enforces ideological norms of accepted beauty. Like European hair and Black African women conditioned to wear weaves. So if you don’t got it, get it. Wing whatever you have to. Fake it to make it. Just be accepted.

Not being included hurts – and that’s why practices like these can lead to depression, mental/eating disorders and suicide. About a month ago, a popular Tik Toker committed suicide simply because she ‘fell out of love with her audience’. The pressures these young minds face just to keep up appearances of success is devilish. Only a fraction of contestants in general can favorably ‘compete’ according to these imposed cultural norms of ‘beauty’. The rest, like the most of us, simply aren’t ‘it’ and don’t ‘fit the bill’. That’s what staying indoctrinated to popular culture does to you. It depresses you and makes you feel unworthy, insufficient and downright ugly. Just because you consistently got that suggestion from years of watching reality TV shows and reading beauty mags like Cosmopolitan and Men’s Health. How many of us look like the people on the covers or in the spotlight? Not even one percent.

Kids beauty pageants are a form of legalized pedophilia. The more men accept little girls strutting around on stage half naked, twerking and pouting, the more they entertain sexual thoughts with these children. It doesn’t happen at once, but it does occur progressively over time. Apart from Hollywood, the main culprits in this nefarious scheme are the parents of these girls. These mothers themselves are cracked out their brain cells by Hollywood as well and desperately want the glitz and glamor this industry has to offer. These mothers want to live through their daughters and that is sick!

Some of these parents even perform cosmetic surgery on their kids. On KIDS!

There’s a great South Park clip about child beauty pageants that pretty much just puts the long held belief out there in the open. I don’t wanna go too deep into this topic because quite frankly it depresses me. Stuff like this makes my blood boil. If you think physical appearances are sacrosanct, then knock yourself out but there’s (a lot) more to life than how you look. No wonder so many relationships and marriages fail nowadays – people only look for good looks and financial accomplishment. And when they get it, they think they hit the jackpot. Go figure.

Have a look at these links below, particularly the questions on the Google search page. It paints you a fuller picture of again just how f*cked up the world is. And this is the stuff our daughters will ultimately be exposed to.

Freakin’ great.

Kids Beauty Pageant

Kids Beauty Pageant Pedophilia

The Dark Truth About Child Beauty Pageants

Inside The $5bn Industry Of Child Beauty Pageants

Related reading:

Female Exploitation Part 3: Shake It, Baby!

A Journey Into Child Porn From Public

Get famous or die trying.
Who wants to be a star?

Pornography is pretty influential on the Internet. Don’t believe it? Then you haven’t been online long enough. Here are some interesting websites I’d like to share with you:

Watching porn reduces your living value. It erodes your morals. It burns your sense of decency regarding love/courtship like a light-stick to a fire-cracker. It animalizes you, if that’s a word but now it is, and makes you feel women are objects solely designed to provide men with sexual pleasure. It never makes you see the opposite sex the way you ever did before. Compare the way you were before you first got introduced to porn, to the way you are now, having experienced whatever you’ve experienced. I, for a FACT, know I’m not as light & innocent as I used to be, before adult mags got lent to me. And No, I don’t think that’s part of becoming an adult. Unless I’m terribly misinformed.

Porn is like a black hole: Once you’re in, you’re sucked deeper & deeper, realizing it virtually has no limit at all. A good way of finding out is turning off the search filter of a search engine & searching for porn in general: By clickling through the links of the first page, you typically get some websites that contain dozens of thumb-sized porn pics. Every one of those links, leads you to another pornsite, often of the same format of the one you’re on. However the subject matter increases, meaning you get more ‘quality’ than you first got. What’s disturbing is that by starting from a niche like teen porn, for example, these sublayers of pornsites lurking  beneath the surface, can seem to show the teen actresses as younger & younger. It doesn’t take long before you come across a picture where you realize the actress is younger than a teenager! To the perverted, pedophile mind, therefore, some forms of child pornography are publicly available, and a lot more accessible than people think! Hurrah! We’ve made a section of the crime mainstream!

Porn consumption increases your tolerance to more, higher-intensity porn, which in turn increases your acceptance level for anything twisted, like bestiality etc. You become a pawn of the provider, susceptible to ANYthing it deems fit to show you. Your individual ability to control yourself therein gets slaughtered ascendingly with every visit. Porn-sites are typically also infamous havens of Trojans, viruses & all other stuff to give your firewall a headache. It’s pointless to prosecute anyone though, as most providers only let the cat out of the bag, if you’ve consented your agreement to them serving adult content & you being of adult age. Blaming them for any damage caused by immorality is like complaining to a weapons manufacturer for developing a gun you just bought, for being able to kill somebody!

Porn is highly addictive. A lot of people who consume it, don’t even realize they’re addicted. Porn ruins quality of life/interaction-skills with the opposite sex. Something as simple & pleasurable as dating, becomes… Houston, we have a problem. Abort! Abort!

Watching excessive porn over longer periods confuses your sexuality: It’s not exactly normal to see naked members of your gender in your life, at regular intervals. For example, a guy at most sees another naked guy or naked guys when showering together in a locker room, as part of the sports team. Or when going to a public swimming-pool & changing/showering over there. Basically, there’s not a whole lot of amount guys see other guys naked. I presume so  about girls as well, but feel free to prove me wrong. Lots of regular porn introduces an artificially high amount of nudity of the same sex in your awareness & sustains it. The result? You become desensitized a whole lot more than otherwise, tending to see sexual practices on your sex by your sex as normal. If you’re not straight, then I guess viewing porn just reinforces your sexuality. Stating this, I’m not accusing any sexuality of good or bad. If you’re not secure in your heterosexuality however, habitually watching porn may not be a good idea. But suit yourself!

Porn gives unrealistic expectations of love & sex: In a nutshell, men think they have to be built like Vin Diesel to get laid & women think being like Angelina Jolie brings all the action. Thank you, porn!

Most porn is targeted at men. A large part of male-oriented porn is female-degrading.

People are different but in my experience, women consider foreplay as an integral part of lovemaking. Acknowledging how much the world has gone to the dogs nontheless, I concur that such stance may be viewed as subjective.

Men who watch porn over long periods of time, become unable of regarding females as equal human beings, simply because they think of them by their vagina. In this case, it’s common to ponder over what sexual benefit a female could provide, regularly, than focusing otherwise.

The last point is a strong factor of sexual violence & rapes against females, worldwide. It’s often said it’s the last stop before committing sexual crimes.

Another great lie porn conditions its plentiful patrons is an orgasm being the most important part of sex.

This is not true.

The point before the previous one destroys the sex lives of many women because it leaves them sexually unsatisfied. Men, by nature, ejaculate quicker than women. I’ll say on average but I don’t think there’s anything to be ashamed of, therefore I don’t see any reason for my ego to kick in.

Women love sex just as much as men do. Unofficially, it’s believed they enjoy it even more,… I wouldn’t mind having multiple orgasms. Porn conditions porn-watching men that sex is geared towards male satisfaction.

Sex is an interaction, not a service.

The penultimate point gives a landscape of opportunities: Men can seek & get away with it because it allows them to degenerate & treat women like filth, in an almost countless variety of ways.

Don’t get me started.

For fear of SOPA, PIPA & ACTA, I will not name any studios because they have a lot of money & may shut me down.

But they’re out there.

And I watch them.

And this is what compelled me to post this article. I think women should be treated with respect & not turned into mindless, mal-treated, submissive animals during sex. I do like some of the porn stars, by the way. Ravishing women! I’m not gonna name them either because they have a lot of money too and might sue me.

Or just join the studios & shut me down.

But I like ’em anyway. I see them as humans.

Not recyclable trash-bags everybody can come on.

Get it?

Yeah, women have their wishes, which usually have to be fulfilled if you want to get some but overall, a rather disturbing point is PORN DEGENERATES PORN-PATRONS, WHO MORE OFTEN THAN NOT ARE MALE, TO SEE & TREAT WOMEN AS TRASH WHO ARE ONLY GOOD TO GET THEM OFF.

Why do I keep saying trash?

Maybe because porn sees & treats women as such. Here are some recommendations.

The movie 8mm starring Nicolas Cage is an excellent example of the porn industry, albeit a certain layer hidden from the public (ironic), which thrives. Note how his character becomes more & more disturbed by what he encounters.

Snuff movies exist & they make the Internet a crime scene.

Imagine being murdered live, or raped live – or raped then murdered, live!

You think I’m sick? That feeling doesn’t even begin to describe a fraction of a percent of the total, twisted, demented, rotten & super-dark quality of that industry itself.

Therefore, I don’t care because you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Or thinking.

Don’t shoot the messenger.

I don’t even know what I’m talking about…or typing, I’ve never seen a snuff movie before. I wouldn’t know where to look , it’s very ‘insider’ stuff.

And porn is a part of it, even if they are not aware of it.

So the next time you knock one out, be aware of what you’re knocking out to. A lot of purely insane stuff are part of the machinery that drives this very, very, big, big, global, multi-billion dollar industry. Like the Titanic & the tip of the iceberg: There’s more than meets the eye!

P.S. I talk about grey areas because not enough do. By choosing not to, grey areas fester & linger in our existence, eventually becoming  inherent facets of our societies, if they haven’t already done so. So, SPEAK!